ISSN Barcode Images

Here you can purchase ISSN barcode images. These will be emailed to you in 4 different formats (bitmap, eps, tiff, jpeg, PDF) on receipt of your order.

Please enter your 8-digit ISSN number in the additional information section when completing your details after proceeding to checkout. Also specify if you require an alternative format for your barcode (e.g. 13+2).

Download Sample ISBN Barcode Images (zip file)

ISSN Barcode Images
(Prices excl. VAT)
Quantity Pris per Image (Sv. Kr.)
1 100 kr
2+ 75 kr
5+ 60 kr
10+ 50 kr
25+ 30 kr
50+ 22 kr
75+ 15 kr
100+ 10 kr

If you require a series of ISSN Numbers please contact us

ISSN Barcode


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